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Gratuitous puppy pictures

Angus the Rockhound at 4 weeks old

Just because we can – gratuitous puppy pictures for you!

I don’t know where these have been hiding but they appeared out of the blue on the computer the other day when I was looking for something else.  This is the day we went to meet the all Angus’s brothers and sisters and we had to choose one.  Angus was one of 15 puppies in the litter so it was proving to be a pretty difficult task until he came and sat on my foot.  I picked him up and he snuggled into my neck and that was it – I was a puppy mummy and he had found his furever home.

Angus the Rockhound puupy at 4 weeks old
Life’s pretty good for Angus the Rockhound at 4 weeks old
Angus the Rockhound puppy at 4 weeks old
Milk all over his face and ears – Angus the Rockhound at 4 weeks old
Angus the Rockhound at puppy 4 weeks old
He chose me to be his puppy mummy, not the other way around – Angus the Rockhound at 4 weeks old










Just 4 weeks old and as cute as a button! He would still love to be cuddled like this if only he wasn’t so BIG 🙂

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Earth science and more workshops in Mackay in April

Mackay Science Miniconference April 2016 featuring Dissection Connection, Rockhoundz, Cider House Tech, Fizzics Education, Berwick Office Technology

Mackay Science Miniconference


We’ve had a great response so far thank you!

If you still want to join your colleagues in education for some great PD in Mackay, there are only days left to register.


On the 7th & 8th April we’re bringing you a couple of days of serious science fun. Miss Vivi and I received such a warm welcome in Mackay on our way to Cairns last year that we’ve gathered up some mates and are taking them back with us this year. For anyone in North Queensland this is an ideal opportunity to get good quality PD right in your own backyard, so please join us and encourage your colleagues to come along too.

If you don’t live near Mackay then consider joining us for a couple of days professional development and a tropical getaway anyway. These dates are just before Term 2 goes back and it’s a really lovely time of year to be in North Queensland.

Please share this invitation with your local network as well by clicking on forward to a friend below. The proposed list of workshops is below and they have been chosen because they will be worthwhile for lab technicians, primary and secondary teachers, pre-service teachers and home schooling parents.



Forward to a friend Click here

Conference newsletter signup Click here

  • Virtual science excursions
  • 3D Printing & 3D Scanning
  • The science of waves
  • Microfossils and foraminifera
  • Chemistry with dataloggers
  • Female reproductive system dissection
  • Physics with dataloggers
  • Networking drinks
  • Cane toad euthanasia
  • Tour of the school farm
  • Environment, soil and water testing with dataloggers
  • Plucks vs piglets dissection
  • Simple ways to teach air pressure
  • 3D Printing & 3D Scanning
  • Kitchen science
  • Earth science















Images by phanlop88 at

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If you are paying more than $5.50 for rock specimens then you are paying too much!

scoria from
scoria from
scoria from Rockhoundz


School budgets are too tight to waste a single cent unnecessarily. We’ve seen this rock advertised elsewhere for over $20. It is exactly the same specimen from exactly the same geological formation that we offer for only $5.50.

Actually, theirs is a bit smaller than ours.

So, please let us help you make the most out of every precious dollar you have to spend on equipment and consumables in your science department. Don’t spend 4 times as much for the exact same specimens we can offer you when you don’t have to.

Unless it’s dipped in chocolate. Then it’s totally worth it.

And every rock at Rockhoundz has the official Angus Seal of Approval!

angus seal of approval

shop now at