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Granite: Rocks we know we know

classic granite specimen from the area around Bowen, Queensland, Australia

Identifying granite.  This is a new kind of rock identification guide for you.  A plain language, no silly business, get your rocks sorted in no time guide to “what rock is that?”

Igneous rocks: Granite

close detail of classic granite specimen from the area around Bowen, Queensland, Australia at

If it’s speckled pink and black and white it’s granite.  In general, the pink is feldspar, the white is quartz and the black is biotite or hornblende.

Granite is intrusive, felsic & phaneritic.  Have a look back at this post if you’ve forgotten what those terms are.

Granite comes from the same lava as rhyolite but with bigger crystals because it has cooled slowly underground.  The crystal size is one of the keys to identifying it as an intrusive igneous rock.

Right now you’ll find granite forming at the Yellowstone hotspot under the Yellowstone Caldera in the US.

This guide is designed to help you identify the classic rocks that are listed in most textbooks and found in most geology kits.  No curly examples, no red herrings – just the bog standard basics that you need to teach geology in the classroom.  Up next: Rhyolite

angus seal of approval

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If you are paying more than $5.50 for rock specimens then you are paying too much!

scoria from
scoria from
scoria from Rockhoundz


School budgets are too tight to waste a single cent unnecessarily. We’ve seen this rock advertised elsewhere for over $20. It is exactly the same specimen from exactly the same geological formation that we offer for only $5.50.

Actually, theirs is a bit smaller than ours.

So, please let us help you make the most out of every precious dollar you have to spend on equipment and consumables in your science department. Don’t spend 4 times as much for the exact same specimens we can offer you when you don’t have to.

Unless it’s dipped in chocolate. Then it’s totally worth it.

And every rock at Rockhoundz has the official Angus Seal of Approval!

angus seal of approval

shop now at

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BYO: Build Your Own rock kits


Too often I have seen ‘complete’ rock kits for sale that either have too many different samples or not enough.  To make matters worse the samples are too small and too easily lost or broken or just not big enough to see the detail you need to teach from.

Then there is the problem of replacement parts of the kits.  Usually you have to buy another whole kit just to replace a few pieces that are missing here and there.

Enter ROCKHOUNDZ  and the BYO Rock Kit.  Don’t reinvent the wheel preparing teaching material to suit a kit that someone else put together for you.  BYO – Build Your Own kit that suits the content you have prepared for the classroom.  If you lose a piece just replace that piece.  If you want to add a piece then add just that piece.

And you can buy from Rockhoundz knowing that we can tell you what you need to know to add to your content – where did it come from?  how old is it?  These are the specialised details that we include with your samples to help you in the classroom.

And just like with the obsidian – if you send us a special request we will be like a dog at a bone until we dig up a decent sample for you.
See you round the ridges,